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Boomi Database Connector - Calling a Stored Procedure with Boolean Parameters

The Dell Boomi database connector only allows parameters of 3 types, Character, Number and Date/Time. Behind the scenes Boomi then determines the more specific type to use in the call. I am not sure what logic is used to make this determination and their support team did not either, but it is not based on the parameter types of the stored procedure.

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Documents and Process Design - Dell Boomi

Sitting at the core of how Dell Boomi Processes function are Documents. Dell Boomi Processes are designed to determine the path of Document(s) containing data. As long as a Process has a Document containing data it will continue to execute. This data can be replaced by other data through Connector calls, but there has to be data in a Document moving through the Process. Once that Document(s) ceases to contain data the Process stops.

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Tags: Dell Boomi, Documents